Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Amnesty Generator

Since I was going into widget stuff last week I have decided to do one more.... the last for a while ;-) Soooo you can't find a Dashboard widget that you like. It happens. you pop over to you Google personalised home page and see that cool too and say to yourself, "gee I wish I could always have this available without a browser." Tadaaaa a problem that needs an answer. In walks Amnesty Generator and says, "heck I can do that.", and it does.

Amnesty takes any Google widget and makes it a Dashboard widget very quickly. I made 5 widgets and put them on my dashboard in less than 5 min. Pretty cool.

Here is a screenshot of the creation screen that I used to make one of my new widgets.

This program is very easy to use and works very well. It comes highly recommended for when you want a little cross-platform widget action :-)

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