Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Hello everyone! Today I have quickie review of Spambox.us which I just heard about the other day. Spambox.us is a website that allows you to setup a "fake" email address for a specified time from 30 minutes up to year. Once a mail is sent to the "fake" address it is forwarded to you real email address. This is great for places that you have to sign up for to access, after all BugMeNot will not work for everything :-)

Here is a real example from my own life. My wife and I had a disagreement about who the band playing in a TV commercial was. So I found this great site and sure enough they had the answer for us. Oh, yeah, and as expected..... she was right :-) BugMeNot did not work for the forums in which the answer was, so I had to register. If I had known about this site at the time, this is what I would have used.

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